Mothers are now the sole or primary breadwinners in 40 percent of households and 25 percent are out-earning their husbands, according to the “America’s Kitchens: Redefining Roles and Values” study from Edelman.

The study also found that 75 percent of dads say they are more involved in raising their kids than their fathers were and playing a larger role in the kitchen.

“As we saw dads playing a greater role in making household decisions, we were curious how that was impacting food and beverage purchases,” says Tish Van Dyke, Edelman’s global food sector lead. “We found that as the roles in our society shift, families are approaching food in new and different ways.”

The study asked 500 moms and 500 dads living in the same household a series of questions about their attitudes and behaviors when it comes to making food choices. It reinforced the assumption that moms have the most influence when it comes to purchase decisions, but dispelled any stereotype that dad is not as concerned or engaged as mom in the role food plays in his family’s well-being.

In fact, more than 65 percent of moms and dads said what they eat is a reflection of their personal values, and were in lock step when it came to what attributes were most important to them when making food choices.

Other key findings include:
• More than 85 percent say they limit the amount of processed foods their family eats
• More than 75 percent say it’s important to know where their food comes from, and more than 70 percent say they try to buy foods that are grown or raised locally
• Nearly 90 percent cook with fresh ingredients, and more than 95 percent said it is important to teach their children to cook
• Both agreed that brand name was not a key factor in purchase decisions, though more than two-thirds said a company’s values and community initiatives are important when buying products
• When asked to choose the most important factor in food purchase, both moms and dads ranked nutrition quality, taste and freshness as their top three

“Traditionally, we considered mom to be the only one who made nutrition and wellness a priority for the family, but it’s clear it’s just as important to dad,” says Edelman’s senior food and nutrition strategist Mary Young. “And,as dad continues to elevate his role within the home, we believe he’ll become an even more influential force in the food purchases.”