WASHINGTON, DC—Tom Herrity, a veteran of grassroots specialists Direct Impact and DDC Advocacy, has launched NextWave Advocacy in partnership with colleagues Bill Colton and Todd Benjamin.

The firm will help interested constituents generate personal, high-impact communications to their legislators in support of clients' issue campaigns, drawing on technology to deliver “meaningful and scalable solutions” for corporations, trade associations, membership organizations and advocacy groups.

"We've made a conscious decision not to create a full-service grassroots firm,” says Herrity. “Instead, we're focusing on what we do best-generating meaningful communications from constituents and small businesses, the type that still has the greatest impact on public officials."

The firm will draw it what it calls its “GO Team” (short for Grassroots Outreach Team), a group of telephone mobilization specialists located across the country.

Herrity has served as CEO of Global Telesourcing, a provider of sales and customer support services to Fortune 100 companies, and previously was CEO of Democracy Data & Communications (now DDC Advocacy) and Burson-Marsteller subsidiary Direct Impact.

Colton currently serves as president of Global Telesourcing, which he co-founded with Herrity, and earlier was vice president of communications for DDC. Benjamin was a partner with DDC, and earlier headed the telephone outreach center at Direct Impact.