GENEVA—François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB International)  has called in Blue Rubicon to promote its work to support children affected by poverty and AIDS.

The NGO hired the firm following a competitive review that also featured Edelman, Good Relations and Freud Communications.

The move comes in then run up to FXB's 25th anniversary this year. Blue Rubicon will work alongside FXB International’s founder Albina du Boisrouvray to raise global awarenees of the organization's 'FXB-Village' methodology − which aims to eradicate extreme poverty by providing training and resources, rather than charity.

Currently, FXB operates 49 of these villages across a range of countries, including Rwanda, Uganda, India, Burundi, China and Thailand.

The brief will see Blue Rubicon deliver integrated campaigns in multiple territories including North America, Scandinavia and Europe.