We live in the digital economy era. The use of technology has caused a disruption that affects social relations -now with new habits and methods of communication-, but, at the same time, it has opened an infinite amount of possibilities for consumption, development of new business models, and relations with stakeholders. 

The economic recession has made it apparent that in order to be competitive, the transformation of business models is no longer an option, but a necessity. Companies need to evolve and innovate to not only stay afloat, but to become a reference in their environment in order to maintain a leadership role in the eyes of their stakeholders. 

As a result of this revolution, organizations are adopting new ways to build their future. This is where they face a challenge: digital transformation. 

What does the phenomenon of digital transformation mean? 

  • New products and services: In an environment saturated by offers, providing added value is the key to success to address the requests of increasingly demanding stakeholders.
  • Committing to co-creation and a collaborative environment: Paying attention to what others are doing -especially in the ecosystem of startups- and taking advantage of the opportunities to create synergies.
  • New relationship models with stakeholders: Mechanisms for dialogue with a bi-directional focus appear, and technology places itself at the service of stakeholders in order to understand what they need and offer them ad-hoc solutions.
  • Committing to the culture of innovation as an inherent attitude at all levels of the organization and as a basis for management models.
  • Rethinking talent: Employees are the heart and soul of any company, which is why it is necessary for them to acquire new skills that cannot be learned in the classroom and that are constantly being updated. Understanding the 2.0 environment, but also being capable of innovating, communicating and anticipating challenges in an operative environment, are some of the skills that a company’s talent management should focus on.

However, beyond all this, digital transformation implies stepping out of the comfort zone. It also means daring to take risks, committing mistakes and learning from them. 

A challenging future awaits. One full of opportunities.

See more on Digital Transformation: http://www.uno-magazine.com/number-24/

Adolfo Corujo, Partner and Chief Talent and Innovation Officer at LLORENTE & CUENCA
Sergio Cortés. Partner at LLORENTE & CUENCA and Founder and President of Cink