Eraldo Carneiro | Influence 100

Eraldo Carneiro

Head of international communications

As Latin American companies begin to expand globally, their corporate communications executives are achieving prominence on the international stage, and with Brazil’s national energy company Petrobas among the most influential of these companies, Eraldo Carneiro has been playing a leadership role. In a 2012 interview with The Report, Carneiro explained the company’s role as an ambassador for its native country: “Reputations are built not just on what you do, but how you do it. The company has repeatedly shown that it can overcome its challenges in a friendly manner, because Petrobras understands that it is a fundamental value of the Brazilian culture.” Carneiro joined Petrobras in 2003 as advertising manager, having previously served as communication advisor to fertilizer company Nitrofértil. He has presided over a transformation in Petrobras’ engagement with stakeholder around the world, with an emphasis on increased transparency and executive visibility, particularly during the recent financial crisis. He also serves as a vice president of the Brazilian public relations trade association Aberje.