Dustee Tucker Jenkins | Influence 100

Dustee Tucker Jenkins

Global Head of Communications and PR


After seven years with Target, Dustee Tucker Jenkins arrived as chief communications officer at Spotify in late 2017, taking on a newly-created role at a pivotal moment for the music streaming giant, which listed on the New York Stock Exchange in early 2018. 

Jenkins is the kind of high-powered communications leader that Spotify requires at this stage of its evolution. Not only is she well versed in the intricacies of corporate communications and public affairs, having worked at Public Strategies earlier in her career, but she also has a keen eye on brand marketing trends. As she said at a Holmes Report event in Cannes this year, “everyone knows our dollars have to work harder, and consumers are surrounded by information. You can’t just spend your way to success. There is a way to reach consumers through earned media that is real and valuable and meaningful.”