Burson-Marsteller prepared a checklist for companies dealing with the employee communications demands of the disaster:

        Make clear to employees that their safety is your number one priority.

        Communicate only what you know.

        Assure employees you’ll provide them with additional information as soon as you know it.

        Set up phone banks and/or an online center to respond to concerns. The phone bank must be staffed by communications professionals.

        Use your website or intranet to address employees concerns, and as a source of information.

        Offer stress-related counseling services.

        Maintain open lines of communication between senior executives and employees.

        Refrain from using any inflammatory or culturally insensitive rhetoric.

        Reach out to community groups and social service agencies. Help employees who want to participate in community assistance.

        As you assess the potential impact on business operations, communicate your findings to employees and clients.