BEIJING —Samsung has hired Cohn & Wolfe to help drive sales of a new high-end air purifier the electronics giant plans to launch in China in October, 2018.

According to a Samsung spokesperson, the deal is predicated on Cohn & Wolfe activating campaigns to bolster interest in the product throughout China, with special emphasis on the Northeastern, Northern and Eastern portions of the country. PR efforts will be in full-force during the fourth quarter of next year, peak sales season for air purifiers, the spokesperson said.

Cohn & Wolfe won the business through a competitive process that also drew pitches from Ruder Finn, Burson-Marsteller and incumbent Shunya Group, which has worked with Samsung for the last two years.

Cohn & Wolfe was selected for its “creativities and professionalism” throughout the process, the Samsung rep said.

The company would not disclose the terms of the deal.