Influence 100 Sponsor Content- Digital Reductionism

Introduction & Methodology | Profiles | Demographics & Background | Teams, Budgets & Agencies | Future Challenges, Diversity & Inspiration | The Crossover Stars | The Rising Stars | Sponsored Content: Digital Reductionism

The interviews in this series, which will be published here and via podcast, are conducted by Paul Dyer, who is president of New York-based Lippe Taylor.  Over the coming months, Dyer will interview brand leaders who have already moved beyond the 'digital renaissance', so to speak. Through these conversations, he will synthesize the key learnings these brand leaders have accumulated not about transformation, evolution, or the many challenges faced by brands as they adapt to a new digital world, but about how they are thriving now in the 'digital enlightenment.'

In a reductionist sort of way, this series will strive to break digital success down into its component parts and core themes that are reiterated by seasoned communications leaders across all verticals.